Japan Mission 2013 - Part 8
Part 8. Åtta. Eight. Acht. Ocho. Otto. Nöff. Detta inlägg innehåller, som de senaste 3, en herrans massa bilder men nu har jag tappat temat. Jag kör på shuffle och kallar detta för LEFTOVER photos, ja, helt enkelt de som blev över som jag antingen missade att posta i något av de tidigare inläggen eller som inte passade in på något av de teman jag satte. Random ones so to speak. Erik läs gärna. Du har tid.
Ja, så var det med det. Jag var lite japaned out när jag kom hem, men nu saknar jag sushiland - boh, dags att planera en ny tripp perhaps?
Ni har säkert fattat, men please click on the small pics in order to see them in a larger version.
Over and out.

Japan Mission 2013 - Part 7
More more more. Dagens tema på bildbombinlägget är REFLECTIONS. Bilderna är tagna all over Japan: i Tokyo's spelhallar, på tunnelbanan, på Kyoto station, på Excelsior Cafe, i bergen i Koyasan, i en hiss i Gifu, på 7-11 (eller möjligtbis FamilyMart), i Kamakura på väg från storbuddhan... ja, lite överallt.
Good service on all other lines...
Jovisst, för det finns ju så många other lines att välja på... Detta var igår efter stormen St Jude, Judas, Simone (kärt barn har många namn) framfart över Storbritannien.
I och med att jag går mycket och har ungefär en halvtimmes gångavstånd till jobbet så märkte jag inte av stormandet mycket mer än att det blåste något så jävligt att jag höll å att blåsa ner i Themsen (nu tog jag i lite, men det var nära). Lite nerblåsta träd, massa löv på gatorna, stängd Hyde Park, dåligt internet, ingen fungerade TV-antenn, nerblåsta parasoll och utemöbler (hos grannen) och severe delays var det jag såg. Hoppas ni alla har klarat er utan för mycket förhinder och förödelse.

Japan Mission 2013 - Part 6
Japan Mission 2013 - Part 5
Jag har blivit tillfrågad att visa fler bilder från Japan. Jag har väl ungefär 800+ bilder på kameran och kanske 300+ bilder i telefonen så det finns att ta utav. Mitt 5:e inlägg innehåller således pics och jag tänkte temalägga them inlägg now - Detta fokuserar på NATURE och annat grönt!
Again, klicka på de små bilderna om du vill se dem i större format.

November ser ut att bli en busy busy månad för Miss K. Så här ser schemat ut för tillfället.
1: Halloween party med Sabryna & dodgeball gang
2: Galamiddag på Sheraton Park Lane med turismbransch-folk
4-7: World Travel Market med allt vad det innebär (workshops, meetings, showrounds, receptions, parties...)
15-24: BARCELONA för EIBTM, upplock av grejer och häng med polare
29-30: PALMA för Xmas party med jobbet
Anneli kommer på besök första helgen i December så jag ska försöka hinna se henne
14: Sista jobbdagen denna månad, också Erik's 25th!
15: Åker antagligen hem och tar jullov
23: The best day of Christmas med vårt annual family&friends party
24: Julafton - antagligen på Värmlandsvägen
Nyår - In process planning med lovely Evielain.
Dagens konversation
Jag gick in på Morrison's för att köpa lite lunch. När jag närmade mig kassan reste sig kassören (heter det så om det är en man? Kassaman?) upp eftersom han nästan legat över disken och slappat. Han hade på sig en illgul lysande väst och mössa (?!). Jag tänkte: herregud, vilket slibbo, han kommer vara otrevlig och oengagerad. Så fel jag hade.
Jag kommer fram, han reser sig upp.
Han: Hello, how can help you my dear?
Jag: Hello, ehm, I'd like to pay for my things...?!
Han börjar blippa in varorna, tar upp imin Diet Coke flaska och frågar:
Han: Do you know the difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero?
Jag: Ehm, to be honest, no, not really. I do prefer zero, though.
Han: Ah, me neither
Jag: I guess one have no added sugar and the other some kind of sweetener...
Han: Or perhaps one of them has no caffeine?
Jag: ...but there is a coke which says no caffeine, I'm pretty sure it is not this one?
Kassamannen tittar upp och ropar ut till alla i affären:
Jag börjar nu tro att killen är en dåre.
En annan kollega dyker upp och säger:
Annan kollega: No, google it!
Han: Yes, I did, once, but I don't remember but I think it was wrong. Never trust google!
That's 3.07 pounds please.
Jag betalar säger hejdå och går därifrån.
Knepigt folk det finns alltså. Men jag gick därifrån med ett leende på läpparna, jag älskar spontana konversationer!
Japan Mission 2013 - Part 4
Click on the small photos to see them in a larger version
Quotes and phrases
'I'm not hungry… but I could eat' (F)
'You have to use flass' (F)
'That's what she said' (J and L)
'Ouite a lot of Japanese people here' (L)
'That's a shit photo' (L)
'Como te llamas? - 'Estoy bien' (F and Starbucks lady)
'How do you say this in Chinese?' (F)
'Hope this food will give you a wonderful time' (packet of crisps)
'Depertere' (cable car woman announcer in Miyajima)
'It is very clean here' (L)
'What a palava' (L)
'Que' (J and L)
'Schup' (L)
'Let's walk up the stairs' (K)
'Happy as Allen' (K)
'Ya ta' (F)
Various pronunciations of Miyajima (Mimimijimama, Mimajima, Mijamima, Mijimama…) (K and L)
'It's been on my penis, but don't worry it is clean' (F)
'This is lovely' (L)
'This is the best … I have ever tasted / tried / seen / done / experienced' (L)
'Where are you guys from?' (most people we met)
'Waaaaaaaouw' (reply from old lady when we explained where we come from)
'My cold are feet' (K)
'I have teeth my brushed' (K)
'Please wait for the staffs in order to be seated'
'Let's ask, I will ask' (F)
'Ah, verrry good' (F)
'If I cannot find them in Tokyo I will just buy one on Ebay' (F)
'Arrigato nada mas' (K and L)
'Emperoring' (K)
'I think it is a typing error' (F - when the train pass expires in year 25)
'...or maybe Japan is 12 years ahead of us?' (L - when the train pass expires in year 25)
'Please no dancing' (in Japanese clubs)
'Welcome to Gion Fernando'
'What's you favorite... colour? food? animal? country? movie? stop on the japanese metro system?' (K)
'You need to remember what you are wearing, not the same outfit everyday, looks bad when we take photos' (K)
'Let's get some ham' (was cow tongue)
'They have happy hour - you get 1 Yen for 100 beers' (K)
Numb (not with a silent B) (K)
Other memorable moments and things
The quality of Japanese TV - especially the 'learn Spanish' programme
Cheating on Shinkansen when Fernando lost his train pass
Kajsa looking for toilets - once every hour, luckly there are restrooms almost everywhere
Fernando's blessings of Japanese children (konnichiwa)
Juan's rubs of love
Hot pressured showers
Self flushing, seat heated toilets with flushing sound and zink on top
Latino Luke touching and talking about his beard
The meaning of Karaoke and Karate (anyone remembers?)
Fernando's eating
Kajsa's daily instagramming
Fishspa at the first Onsen
Waiting in train stations
Leaving clothes for laundry in Osaka and they came back smaller...
Sleeping on the floor, between the seats in the night bus to Tokyo
Kajsa talking loudly in places where you are supposed to be quiet
Luke pretending to be pregnant
Fernando signing school kids books with his name and country
Girl picture trading outside Osaka castle
Powernapeando sessions in parks, on trains, in the metro, in hostels...
People sleeping (resting) on public transport - seated AND standing
Mixing with the locals (buddhist munks, school kids, girls in yukatas, families on cruises, Juan's friends…)
Doing the V-sign on every single photo - just like the Asians
Year 25 of the current emperor
The ever so useful 1 Yen coin
Foot creaming for baby soft feet
Fernando using the Kasha pronounciation (It's KAJSA)
Kajsa taking photos with radio show stars (…or at least radio presenters) - Club 333 Love on DJ
Spotting Power Rangers
Covering of tattoos in onsens
Menus and ticket machines ONLY in Japanese made the orders interesting
Lady in incense shop humming along when Kajsa sings the mountain top song
Hectic dance routines at the maid cafe
Kajsa's visit to the pharmacy to get constipation pills - body language did not work
Kajsa almost dying on a Japanese futuristic toilet after taking the pink pills from the pharmacy
Luke's photo of the day
All the selfies
Avoiding the low tables at restaurants, due to bad backs and knees
The 'hello' nod, which was the same as the 'thank you' nod, which was the same as the 'goodbye' nod which was also the same as the 'oh, hello, another westerner' nod
The photo booth pictures where we are all make-up with large eyes
The search for geishas in Gion
Pretending to be Gandalf up on the Miyajima mountain
Checking in on Instagram, FourSquare or other social medias with Kanji caracters - not exacty knowing if they are the correct ones
One dish on the menu comes with 10 small plates
Japanese signage - especially when looking for Ginza line in Tokyo
The random name dropping of metro stations - i.e Shinshibashi, Yoshibashi, Namba, Ginza, Shin-Osaka, Nihombashi, Shinkansen… (as long as you say them fast it sounds about right)
Reading the guide book over and over again - highlighting without a highlighter
The amount of vending machines
The lack of rubbish bins (lessons learnt - do not collect leaflets and other brochures - you end up carrying them around the whole day)
Collecting all sorts of tickets, entrances, maps, cards for future scrapbooking
Kids wanting to take photos
The Spanish woman at the first Tokyo hostel (let's call her Paloma from Canarias) who talked and talked and talked… to Juan!
The Happy train conductor on Shinkansen
The Scottish guy on the train to Gifu who we blamed to have stolen Fernando's pass (shame on us!)
The ever so useful coin lockers which are easy to find in any station or club (unless there is a public bank holiday and all are taken)
We've become professional chopstickers
The usage of hai, in the wrong way, means yes in Japanese, we used it as hello (like hi).
Fernando asking everyone about everything
Statues in temples and shrines wearing red aprons
Women only cars at the metro in rush hour
The sound level at the Pachinko games halls
Being lost in translation very often
6am buddhist munk prayer session
No dancing at Tokyo night clubs
Fernando changing his background photo to a picture of Kajsa and Luke - Juan does the same - Luke keep his awesome photo of the day and Kajsa is ego and keep one of herself
Karaoke in rather quiet Takayama
Man walking into our room in temple
Woman walking into our room, switching lights on in Kyoto
The magic of the zen garden
The one and only night out in Tokyo with Mexican food, watery drinks, karaoke and expensive taxis
Fernando's excitement over spanish restaurants and shops in Japan
Making up meanings of the Kanji caracters (a lot of elephants with hats, upside down turtles smileys, and waffles - waffles everywhere)
Fernando not realising he had been wearing his t-shirt inside out the whole day - who can blame him, it was a desigual one! (Quick change in the metro after finding out!)
Quening on left side in Tokyo and right side in Osaka - or the other way around - I'm not the best with right and left!
Luke and Juan visiting Mayumi's parents house commuting in Japanese to mother, English to sister and Spanish to Mayumi.
Fernando trying curry
Juan doing Yoga for first time (pain afterwards) and the making a tenugui
Bromance in Ginza
Half29 sunsets
The jellyfish hand-boom-gesture with psssch sound effect - not to be confused with the frog!
Japan Mission 2013 - Part 3
Click on the small photos to see them in a larger version
No shoes
Toilet shoes
Knee-high socks
Socks with toe divider to fit in your flip-flop

Useful items
Ear plugs
Audio book (don't expect to finish it though)
Awesome (Autumn) colors setting on your camera phone
The Metro paper ticket cases
Neck pillow
Not so useful items
Fancy going out outfits
My porcelain KLM house
Bathing suit
Dogs in bags
Spanish / Mexican
French accent (bonjour)
Dutch made up words (schla-schleven, leven goete morchgen)
Swedish (speak swedish! - Ni förstår ju i alla fall inte vad jag säger)
Italian accent (vaffanculo + mai day hand gestures)
Body language
Japanese words learnt
Sumi masen
English words learnt
Close (as in The weather is close)
Flappy (as in This pastry is flappy)
Palava (as in What a palava)
Jiffy (as in We will be there in a jiffy) - not spelled with G
Gravel (as in gravel raking in a Zen garden... whaaaat?!) - not prounounced grey-vell
Difference between Fun / Funny (actually still not too clear)
Swedish words learnt
Schup (as in Yes)
Kemikalier (not pronounced with as a K!)
Swedish words already known
Spanish phrases learnt
Mucho ruido pocas nueces
Mountain top song - listen
Kajsa's wake up signal (dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-daaaah) - listen
La camisa negra (karaoke song numero 1) - listen
Recorded bird calls in metro - listen
Toilet flush sound - listen
Sexy Zone (all songs, any song) - listen
Climbing stairs / mountains
Carrying bags
Carrying heavy guide books
Carrying cameras

Lost train pass (Fernando)
Lost phone battery (Juan)
Missed festival in Takayama
Lost bote (Juan - but found again)
Tokyo tower covered in nets
Luggage stuck in Amsterdam
Fermented soya beans
Kajsa not being able to sleep
Bad/expensive night club

Japanese people (super friendly and helpful)
Onsens (great places to unwind after exhausting days of sightseeing)
Osaka (no expectations actually we already decided beforehand that Osaka was shit and we came there are was pleasantly surprised by the city - well worth a visit - feels more relaxed than Tokyo but still a major city)
Upgraded to business class on flight out
Mt Fuji and the mist in the morning
Fernando recovering his JR pass
Juan recovering his Charger
Japan Mission 2013: Part 2
Click on the small photos to see them in a larger version
Sushi (… or lack of sushi)
Noodles and rice
Sweet bean pancakes
Cow tongue snacks
Grape chewy sweets
Bird shaped, panda shaped, bear shaped cookies
Mos burgers
Various pastries from Family Mart
Takoyaki (octopus balls)
Mexican food
Boiled eggs in 1 piece packages
Miso Soup
Terayaki chicken
Never ending mints
Green tea cookies, pastries, kitkat's, ice cream - you name it
Various dried sea food
Japanese style breakfast (veggie version)
Sweet buns with cream fillings
Fermented soya beans (also see lowlights)
Tasteless Tofu
Massive carrots
Green tea
Matcha latte
Fanta Grape (pronounced in an Italian way - tastes like shower gel)
Cold Sake
Hot Sake
Caramel coffee
Plum wine
Sake cider
Melon drink
Various hot and cold items from vending machines (peach water, banana milk, cold green tea, warm apricot drink, 5-a-day-juices, coffees…)
Salt and Fruits pear drinks
Flavoured milk (banana, caramel, coffee, apple…)
Watery G&T's
Sweet potato sake
Family Mart
Lawson Station
Excelsior Cafe

Japan Mission 2013 - Part 1
Click on the small photos to see them in a larger version
Cities / Places visited
Mt Fuji
Gifu (train station)
Nagoya (train station)
Fushimi Inari
Narita Airport

Tokyo Tower
Umeda Sky Building
Imperial palaces and grounds (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto)
Fish Market (Tokyo)
Shibuya crossing (Tokyo)
Mt Fuji
Miyajima island
Hiroshima Memorial park and museum
Pokemon Centre
Osaka Castle
Temples, shrines and buddhas (everywhere)
Gates, graveyards and more temples (Miyajima, Fushima Inari)
Bamboo forrest (Arashiyama)
Kimono forrest
Koyasan mountain
Ferris Wheel (Tokyo)
Rainbow bridge (Tokyo)
Gion disctrict (Kyoto)
Neon lights and skylines
Hiroshima atomic dome
Kyoto Tower
Kyoto Train Station
Traveling buddies
Latino Luc
Guest House
Buddhist lodging
Japanese style rooms
Twin room aka prison cell
Female dorms
Shared 18 bedded dorm

Sunny and close
Sunny and windy
Rainy and windy
Typhoon warning
Warm days
Cold evenings
Ways of transport
JR Lines
Cable car
Panda free shuttle bus