That's Not My Name
So, many of you may already know that I have difficulties with my name when I go to Starbucks. If you never been to SB before I can tell you that, normally, when you order a drink they ask you for your name to put on the paper cup in order for you to collect it at the counter when it is ready. In the beginning I used to spell my name, very clear - K- A - J - S - A - K for Kilo, A for Apple, J for July, S for Sugar, A for Apple but even by doing so they hardly ever got it right, so now I have started a game - I say my name once, loud and clear (without spelling it) and then look with excitment on the result when I get the cup. IT IS NEVER RIGHT. Here are just some of my alternative names for far.

Kajsa (my real name). Kagsa. Caiza. Casey. Taisa. Laisa. Eisa. Kensa. Tysa. Kelsa. Kaiza. Kaia. Kaysa. Caisa. Hkise (or possible Thise). Casa. - Which one do you like the most? I don't like any. Perhaps Casey because that's what T-rex calls me all the time anyway.
Another Kagsa below (the version I hate the most).

What the f**k? Marie!? don't get me wrong - it is a very nice name - but not my name. I told the barista at the counter - 'Ehhm, I don't think this is mine, it's is not my name on it' and I got the reply: 'You ordered a grande chai tea latte - this is the only one we have - it is yours now'
Okay. Marie it is.
Only once they got it right. It was in Covent Garden, and my guess is (it is a wild guess) that the barista was in fact Swedish... or at least Scandi.

I think this should be my theme song in life.
They call me Stacey
They call me her
They call me Jane
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not

... till mina 3 favoriter; farfar Karl-Erik, pappa Janne och brosa Erik.
Tycker att happy father's day låter bättre än glad fars dag, eller vad säger man grattis på fars dag? Grattis? Det tycker jag man använder på födelsedagar och liknande. HAPPY är bättre!
Så, igen, farsor, HAPPY DADDY DAY!
Fancy dress. Maskerad. Costume parties. Utklädnad. Peruker. Eye Lashes. Hattar. Brillor - you name it - I love it.
Årets Halloween fick se Robin - alltså Batman's wingwoman ute på London's gator. Tidigare halloweens har inkluderat costumes som Catwoman och Baywatch-Pamela. Sen har jag varit Xena - the Warrior Princess på gladiatorparty, spontanpirat hemma hos Erika på Putte-i-Parken-förfest, partajat i various wigs, glasses, hats and swim caps. Som tidigare nämnt gillar jag att klä upp mig men jag verkligen ÄLSKAR att klä ut mig. Märks det? Här satt ihop en liten bildbomb på mina favoriter.

Hello 4-DAY WEEKEND - you have never been more welcome
Goodbye workshops, trade shows, events, receptions, meetings, parties, gala dinners... Bye WTM - see you again next year!
Hello weekend - nu går jag i ide - wake me up on Wednesday 7h30 am please.
GALA Outfits
Jag gillar att klä upp mig, och när man titt som tätt får gå på galamiddag så gräver man ju fram det finaste man har i garderoben (eller ja, i mitt fall så går jag på shoppingrunda och införskaffar nytt - jag anser ju att jag inte kan bli sedd i samma outfit twice i samma krets...) #ilandsproblem #shallow
Har kommer lite ego-boost pics från de senaste åren.
2011 - Blue dress from Zara (min favoritklänning). Håruppsattning från Michael Jane på Queensway.

2012 - Svart dress med guld-glam-glitter from Lipsy. Heels från Bershka - som kom att bli mina absoluta favisar. Har gjort på Michael Jane och make-up på Benefit Boutique Chiswick.

2013- Min Diane von Furstenberg-klänning i min favoritnyans av min favoritfärg (blå that is). Håruppsättning av otroligt duktiga Nadia Jönning (svenk frisök här i London), rekommenderar henne varmt. Samma Bershkapjucks som året innan (jag sa ju att de blitt favvos) och makeup done by Benefit Boutique i Covent Garden.